Why Spam Emails Are So Hard To Stop

Do you want to know why spam emails are so hard to block? Just check out this video.


I hope you enjoyed this little piece of bullshit, and just to save you some time, don’t bother looking for Koy4goff, don’t lie, I know some of you were thinking of it, as it doesn’t exist. The whole thing was a joke. I hope you enjoyed it.

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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. peter

    Come on over reader to Kiwi Riverman, Sire does. He knows the best places to visit!


    1. BS Artist

      What’s this Peter, a bit of free advertising?

  2. Mitch

    Looks a little bit like his version of spam, which you’re writing about. LOL Meanwhile, did you know your YouTube videos on the left aren’t working?

    Mitchs last blog post..Nine Best Blogs Of 2009 – My List

  3. BS Artist

    Reckon it doesn’t like you mate as it has one there for me.

  4. BS Artist

    Strange indeed. Perhaps, due to the economic crisis, someone forgot to pay their bill on your end?

  5. Brian D. Hawkins

    Can’t be an American thing Mitch, it’s working for me. Well, I’m in Michigan so that might not count lol. Following you on Twitter as ExtremeEzine by the way.

    Stopped by for a laugh before going off to bed Sire. I knew I could count on you 🙂

    Brian D. Hawkinss last blog post..If You Are Not Growing You Are Failing

    1. BS Artist

      I’m glad I can be relied on for something Brian, even if its only for a laugh 😀

    2. Mitch

      Then I wonder why it’s picking on me, Brian, because I see nothing except a note saying “no videos”. Oh well,…

      Mitchs last blog post..Visa Black Card

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