MOBE Scam or Not

Whilst researching for an up and coming post on mobile friendly blogs I came across a blog post by John Chow. I’m not going to link to that post because I decided years ago Not To Link To The Likes Of Darren Rowse And john Chow. John Chow’s caught my attention because it was called How To Make big Money Online. That sort of heading always catches my attention 😉

The post is about a system he is promoting called MOBE. He offers several case studies as well as a screenshot of just one day from this month. I took the liberty of taking a screenshot of that image which you can see below.

MOBE SCAM yes or no

So, in one day he got 7 sales which resulted in $8841 dollars of sales with commission of $5291. Looks good doesn’t it. Too good to be true?

I understand you can make money selling big ticket items. I once paid $10000 for software that was supposed to predict the best time to sell shares on the stock market. I’m not one to throw my money around easily either so I attended seminars and such that showed the software in action. Long story short I got sucked in. Not only the 10,000 bucks but a monthly fee to have access to the live stock ticker as well. Needless to say the software was bullshit. Looked great but didn’t do what it said it would do.

So, to say I was a little sceptical when seeing those results would be an understatement. John went on to say;

This is MOBE’s 21 step system to make your first $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000 online. MTTB will give you all the tools, training, and personal 1-on-1 coaching you need to start making big commissions over and over again like clockwork. You may not pull down $100K+ a month, but it’s pretty easy to make at least $1,000 a month from it. In fact, we guarantee that you will make a commissions within 30 days or we’ll give you $500 cash!

I found the following interaction with one commenter quite interesting.

MOBE scam or not

At this point I thought it was time to do my own research on MOBE Scam Or Not!

My Research On MOBE Scam Or Not

I found My Online Business Empire Review (MOBE) pretty interesting. Robert who joined MOBE to try it out came to the conclusion that the program is a scam. He actually goes so far as to say that Matt Lloyd, the founder, is a liar. Apparently the program comes with a money back guarantee, see Chow’s quote above, but there are some conditions attached. The condition being that you had to complete all 21 steps.

Seems reasonable enough but Robert found that his access was cancelled after completing step 5! Not only that but a popup appeared asking for a further $1997 to continue with the course. Robert goes into a lot more detail but I must say it’s very convincing. Right at the end he has a link to another money making scheme. Sort of lends some weight to what Chow says in one of the comments but not enough to take the scam taste out of my mouth.

Ways To Avoid Scams Online also calls it a scam and also offers an alternative to the system, This site says if you want to get anywhere in MOBE you’ll be required to spend at least $1997 for the full program license rights. There’s also a lot of other costs. He calls it a PONZI scheme where you’re required to see the program onto others. I have to admit that was the feeling I got from John Chows post. After all. he is selling it to you. You buy into it and you sell it to others. Almost like a pyramid scheme only with products that seem a little dubious.

Does not seem as if he has any actual experience with MOBE

Time for more research.

A Work At Home Business does seem to have first hand experience with MOBE. Like my first example he also had his access cancelled after the fifth step. he was also asked to pay $1997 to continue the course. Apparently it’s this ‘licensing fee’ that will gives you the right to sell the program to others.

Apparently there is no help desk as such but you can ask for help via their FaceBook page. You would think that a program of this size would have a properly funded help desk wouldn’t you. The post also goes into detail about all the add on costs you can be subjected to. He does offer an alternative way to make money, as did the other guys. I don’t have a problem in that. Most marketers will offer an alternative and that alone does not discredit the information in the post.

Like John Chow there are a lot of people promoting MOBE as well. They try to put a positive spin on some of the negatives found on the net. Here’s a screen shot from one such site.

IS MOBE a scam

Appears to me that means you don’t get the $500 because you haven’t completed the 21 steps. But that’s OK, you can stay an affiliate and promote the program to others??? Personally I’ve never had to pay to join and affiliate and I don’t see why you should have to. Also how can you honestly promote a product that you have no idea as to it’s legitimacy. I personally prefer to promote products that I use and enjoy.

I’d like to finish off with this thread in the Warrior Forum. This is a thread where Matt Lloyd actually fronts up to answer some questions. Unfortunately his replies remind me of all those politicians that try to confuse you with gobbledygook instead of giving a straight answer.

I’m not saying MOBE is a scam but I can tell you that I work to hard for my money to invest in something that has the stink of a Scam. Oh, and just to let you know, I’m actually not selling anything. I just had something to say, and that’s no bullshit 😉

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Mitch Mitchell

    You may not want to call it out as a scam so I will. The majority of people are saying that they get 5 lessons and then get hit up for almost $2,000; that’s a scam right there if it’s not in any notifications up front. That and, sorry, but I’m not buying the amount of money they say you’ll make for literally doing nothing.

    1. BS Artist

      I know Mitch, I have to admit that is total BS. They’re certainly not being up front about all the costs involved. And why would you want to pay up front for the ability to suck others into a scam. It’s certainly not the way I want to make money online.

  2. Craig Hitchens

    Hi. Great site, love it mate! Glad to see someone is calling out the bullshit artists out there. As a practitioner I am looking of ways to gain revenue from my website to add to my income. Darren Rowse has to be one of the biggest BS artists ever! Nothing of his I ever tried worked!! After years of trying to find ways to make some online income I have concluded it is all BS and most people are not going to tell you how to do it if it is working for them. It is a sure fire way to saturate it and lose money. The only thing that has ever earned me some income is affiliate marketing through articles on my site and mailing list. It is very modest, but covers costs and earns some chump change.

    Keep up the good fight mate 🙂

  3. BS Artist

    Hey Craig,

    so sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to your comment.

    The reason Darren Rowse makes so much is because of the traffic he gets to his blog. That and his reputation! I’m sure every time he promotes something he gets helps of people buying from him.As you well know 😉

    I’m probably making from $200-$400 a month promoting lotteries. The reason it varies so much is because it goes up with major jackpots. I’m pretty wrapped I’ve found this niche because every time I sign someone up they’re my customer for life.

    In my effort to increase the income I’ve started another lottery blog as well as a Sports Betting Site

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