During the Today morning program, after seeing some of Henson’s nudes child photos, Rudd described the images as being “absolutely revolting.” I must admit that it was one of the few times that I actually agreed with our Prime Minister. It seems that his comment offended certain people such as actress Kate Blanchett who called on Rudd to retract his statement. Fortunately Rudd had the balls to stand by it and refused to retract his remark. And why should he as he was merely stating his personal opinion, one that many Aussies agree with?
I am actually quite surprised at Blanchett’s remark, her being a mother and all. I have no qualms at all about the naked form, shit I actually look forward to seeing a flash of boob or whatever whilst watching a movie or something. But Henson has gone past that by abusing the innocence of children. I am also surprised that the kid’s parents gave him permission to take such photos. I wouldn’t invade my daughters privacy by trying to sneak a peak of her nakedness and I certainly would not let a total stranger, no matter what artistic credentials he might have, take shots of her naked.
Amongst other things it is the parents duty to look after their child’s well being. Unfortunately some parents may not be up to the job and it is then that society through it’s laws must step in. It is my opinion that the parents were in error in giving Henson permission to take nude photographs of their children. Whilst some people may think it’s art and that makes it OK, I disagree mainly because it involves children and it is up to us to protect their innocence.
Were we to let this get through the system then where do we draw the line when it comes to art? The next thing that will appear in an art gallery will be photos including the genitalia, and once the furor has passed over that the next thing is having them involved in some sort of sexual act, all for the sake of art. If you think that I am stretching things a little far, just have a look at how many things society accepts today that was not acceptable only a few years ago.