In case you are wandering, this blog uses the Thesis theme, and it is the first theme that I ever paid money for, a whole $87.00. The reason I waited so long was I really wanted a theme that would work right out of the box. Not like the normal run of the mill theme that you had to know PHP and CSS to get it to do what you want. This is what sold me on Thesis, from their home page.
Thesis boasts the strongest SEO of any theme on the market today thanks to its expertly-coded HTML
PHP framework. Not only that, Thesis also contains additional options that will allow you to fine-tune each and every page of your site. The days of worrying about your in-site SEO are over—with Thesis, your strategy is “just add killer content.”Not a coder? Not a problem. The Thesis option panels allow you to command your site with ease, while Thesis does all of the heavy lifting behind the scenes. You’ve never had this much control over your site before, and this is precisely what makes Thesis indispensable to critical webmasters all over the globe.
Yep, I said to myself, that is what I want and so I bought it. Man was I disappointed. Sure it was better than most of the other themes I used, but then they were free and you expect to get a lot more features when you pay for something. The thing is that it wasn’t as completely plug and play as they made it out to be. To really get the most out of it you had to deal with Hooks; what the hell are HOOKS and why was there was no mention of this on their home page. A lot of the time you also had to deal with PHP and CSS and that was something I didn’t want to deal with.
They do have a forum for those having difficulties but I got tired of logging on, asking for help and then waiting for a reply. So the search for a better theme continued and after searching far and wide I finally found the FlexSqueeze Theme. This theme was as near perfect as I could hope. No coding knowledge required unless you really wanted to do something out of the ordinary. The following are just some of the things that FlexSqueeze can do.
- It has it’s very own image up-loader! Any image you want to incorporate into your new theme can be uploaded easily into the theme’s own image directory.
- Add AdSense with ease! Easily insert AdSense ads in 5 different locations with point-and-click ease from the theme options page! Once there you can configure how you want the ads to look by nominating colors of the background, title and links etc.
- New Built In Squeeze Page Capability! The theme comes with ’squeeze page’ template that you can easily adapt to make it your very own professional looking Squeeze Page. This can make your affiliates sales go through the roof. This is a squeeze page that I adapted from their sample of the generic squeeze page template. Since the last update the squeeze page, as you can see from my latest sales page, is even better.
- Custom Headers! Choose from the custom headers or upload your own.
- Threaded Comments Actually Work! The theme is WordPress 2.7 threaded comment ready, just activate it from the admin panel.
- Very Own Color Picker! There is no need to know any of the color codes as it comes with it’s own color picker. Just select the option you want to change and then with total mouse control you can choose the color of your choice. Even after you choose your global theme color you can manipulate it even more to suit your needs. Change the background color or image, the sidebar color, the color of your links, titles, honestly there are a whole lot of choices available
Some of the other things you have control over is blog width, theme layout, whether you want one two sidebars or even choose the adsense optimized layout. Change the header, footer, link colour all with the click of a mouse. Honestly I could go on and on, but there are so many choices I would be here for ever. The thing is that this theme does it all, and if you have multiple blogs, just like yours truly, the FlexSqueeze Theme will make sure that every blog has it’s own uniqueness so you will no longer have to have multiple themes. Just have a look at the following blogs to see what I mean.
SBizzTech, BlogSire, Well Blog Me, Photos2Blog, WassupBlog, Top Software Online, Scenic Adelaide, Top Sexual Aids and my latest blog, Buy Online Lotto Tickets. The changes could have been even more dramatic but I haven’t had the time to truly try all the features. You may notice though that you can choose from different search boxes as well as RSS icons. You may also notice that the header and footer are displaying the same affiliates. You can either display the special header or footer complete with your own affiliate links or you can go to the widget section of your dashboard to select whatever plugins you want to display. Yep, you heard right, with this theme you can install plugins into 5 different areas, the two sidebars, the footer, feature top, and top sidebar.
If there is something that you want to know about the capabilities of the FlexSqueeze Theme just leave a comment and I will see what I can find.
Oh, I almost forgot, how much will it cost? The cost factor is another area where it beats the Thesis Theme hands down. With Thesis you are looking at either the personal or developers option which will cost you $89 or $164 respectively. Now compare that with the FlexSqueeze Theme which will only cost you $127 for unlimited domains! The beauty about this one off outlay is that you get more than just an ordinary WordPress theme, you get a theme which is ‘renowned for having a TON of options so you can create a totally custom site. But FlexSqueeze now makes it even easier to create a custom site in a matter of just a few clicks. You can even create your own sales or squeeze pages and you will finally have more control over your theme enabling you to make it your own stamping your brand on the Net.
Sorry, if I you think I am frothing at the mouth at the moment, but honestly it’s not often that I get hold of an affiliate that I am truly exited about, and believe me, once you try the FlexSqueeze Theme there is no looking back.
In case you are wondering why I am still using the Thesis theme on this blog, I paid for the bloody thing and it would be a waste not to use it, and my parents taught me not to waste things.
Check out the new post on The Difference Between Flexibility And FlexSqueeze! Especially the example of the Squeeze page capability.
Edit: FlexSqueeze has just received an update which makes it even easier and more versatile. I’ve written a post about it which you can read here.
Edit: Yep another update and you should really see how the latest one will make you posts truly rock. Click Here To Read All About It.
Edit: This is what I love about the FlexSqueeze theme. The guy behind it is always improving it. There has been another update and as usual I’ve written a post about it called Is FlexSqeeze as good as they say? You should take a look at my Make Money Online page to see how good it really is at getting your readers attention.
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Nice review and comparison of these top themes and I have to admit I am right with you on your recommendation. FlexSqueeze is a radical change in the way that a WordPress theme can be configured and it’s about time. Ryan has done a great job!
Maui SEOs last blog post..What’s the Big Deal about Search Engine Optimization?
I used to use the same theme that you are using now and I was really happy with it but it still had it’s limitations so I was always on the lookout for something better. I’m pretty sure I’ve found it.
Nice review Sire. I have never used any of these two themes however I am currently about to launch one of my niche blogs and this review might come in handy on which theme to chose!
Salwas last blog post..Traffic Monday: Why You Should Use (NOT Abuse) Forums to Increase Traffic
I’d be really interested Salwa as to which theme you finally select.
Hey Sire.
Just came here to see if theres any new stuff. I miss your content. You have your own unique writing style which I really enjoy reading. Hope you will post something new soon!
Sorry Salwa, but I have been busy elsewhere. You can always drop into WassupBlog if your really looking for a ‘Sire’ fix, as I mange to post there more regularly.
Hi BS Artist,
Just discovered your blog through a couple of comments you left on other blogs, and just thought I’d pop over to see what your site was all about.
It really sucks to see such a “hyped” theme not deliver what it promises. That just proves what effect affiliate marketing has had on the overall outlook of the product.. You can’t go to a few blogs and not see a “Thesis” affiliate banner advertising the great customer support and clean code.
Which brings me to my last point (which has worked thus far over the internet) – If you want something done right, do it yourself 🙂
I’ve subscribed and will be back for more!
Brad – Personal Blog Tips And Blog Helps last blog post..Blog Comment Spam Is Getting Smarter…
Hey Brad, I’m glad to see that you took the time not only to check my blog out but also to leave a comment. What gets me about a lot of blogs that promote Thesis and post about how good it is, is that they don’t actually use it themselves. If they thought it was really that good you would think they would buy it themselves wouldn’t you?
Money often persuades people to do even the stupidest of things. 🙂
Brad – Personal Blog Tips And Blog Helps last blog post..Blog Comment Spam Is Getting Smarter…
True, but what does that say about the people who buy from them :wink_ee:
LOL. 🙂
Affiliate Marketing is basically a way to promote your product when you run out of ideas to tell people about it. That way, you can push it off to affiliates and only get RESULTS (sales, leads, visits, etc) – You take no risk with your advertising dollar, its all the affiliates risk.
Thats why I hate doing it, even with products that might be “good” to the consumer, because I wouldn’t buy them myself.
Brad – Personal Blog Tips And Blog Helps last blog post..Blog Comment Spam Is Getting Smarter…
I can also be for those who have no idea of marketing and therefore they wish to place it in the hands of others, that they hope do have some idea of how to sell their product.
Where possible, if I have a need, I will purchase something and if I like it I will join as an affiliate and promote the hell out of it. That is the reason I am behind the Flexsqueeze theme, because I use it and I love it and want everybody else to experience it, and hopefully make a bit of cash on the side.
Hey Sire,
Whats the plugin you use on your blog for the “comment-reply” feature?
It only alerts me of the comments that you reply to.. Very handy.
Brad – Personal Blog Tips And Blog Helps last blog post..Blog Comment Spam Is Getting Smarter…
Honestly Brad, I’m not sure that is one of it’s features. Perhaps it’s because lately we are the only two conversing. If you want to check it out, this is the link to the plugin I am using,
WOW.Very interesting.I love the color-picker feature-the code’s can be very time consuming.
Now that I have had my first run at the Thesis Theme, I have to agree that if you don’t mind your site looking like every other Thesis site out there, you can do just the plug and play options. But if you want anything outside of their standard widgets and plug-ins, then you have to do some coding with the functions and hooks. It’s a must. Even to get my previous sidebar up, I had to figure out that system. Once you do, it’s fine. But it is a bit misleading to advertise that there is no coding involved.
~ Kristi
Kikolanis last blog post..Getting Started with the Thesis Theme & Resources
Thanks Kristi, I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I haven’t the time to play around with it so I just had to find an easier theme, and thankfully one did exist.
I know a little css but it seems easier to use Flex than sit there changing/coding all day.
Yeah, you got that right.
Very nice review, I am using Elegant themes for the mean time, but who knows!!
Heshams last blog post..ComLuv network and CommentLuv plugin are READY
I’ve heard that’s a pretty good theme, but like you said you never know when you want to upgrade.
It is great that you are finally able to find one that suits your needs thru FlexSqueeze Theme. But then, it is not so good to still be using Thesis theme when already found the one that would suit your wants and needs more! On well, you are correct, do not waster money! I have to agree with you on that.
That’s right Niklas, and I am using FlexSqueeze on all my other blogs, so I am making good use of it.
A very nice comparison between Thesis and FlexSqueeze, I guess all themes will have a bit of doubt depending on the user itself.
One kind of theme would be ok for some, but not others. It depends on your knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP.
.-= George Serradinho´s last blog ..A few Cool Changes =-.
Pingback: In Appreciation Of Stefan Nilsson For All His Help In Getting The Smilies Back Again | What A Load Of Bullshit
Lol, so you’re just using thesis here cause you paid for it 🙂 While reading your article I was wondering why you were still using thesis here since it’s not as good as the other one, but now that you mention why, I understand.
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..How To: More Targeted AdSense Ads & Thesis Code Example =-.
Yep, it would be a shame to let the money go to waste, and considering the name of the blog, well let’s just say they go well together :laugh_tb:
I’ve installed FlexSqueeze, but I’m having a devil of a time figuring out how to put a link in the top sidebar. The text works just fine. Even when I put html code to the link under the text, nothing shows up on the blog. I’ve watched the videos, but didn’t see the info I need. Do you know how to do it?
Curt, are you running WP Cache or something? If so just delete the cache and then have a look.
No, I’m not running WP Cache. I looked on my server, and there was no WP-Cashe there.
I think I may have tore out all of my hair over this. When I looked in the mirror, I was practically bald.
.-= Curt´s last blog ..Special Offers =-.
Curt, WP-cache isn’t on the server as it’s a WordPress Plugin. Can I have the link to your blog, and what’s the link/text called so I can look out for it.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..WassupBlog Alive And Kicking After Transfering To BlueHost =-.
Hm, I have been using Thesis for a few months on one of my sites and I’ve been fairly satisfied with it. There were few things I wanted to do that it couldn’t do, and it’s actually very customizable if you take the time to get the hang of how the hooks work. has a lot of great tutorials for customizing the theme. But now I’m interested in trying FlexSqueeze to see the difference, though I’m going to need to start a new site for it because I don’t want to change the site where I’m currently running Thesis. Thanks for the review, it appears that you actually do support the product, unlike a lot of people who just write articles with the sole intent of getting commission. -Sam
It’s only because I do use the product that I am so confident about promoting it.
Thank you SO MUCH for this review. I’ve been using WP and Dreamweaver from some time because I’m self taught and have never learned html or php etc. When I ran across DIY Themes and thought this was the greatest thing and would make my life SO much easier when customizing a WP theme. So, I purchased DIY and was quick to learn, beyond the default settings, I was lost when it comes to customizing the “hooks” and css files. I spent WAY to many hours trying to figure it out. THEN, I ran across your review! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I used your affiliate link, so hopefully you were compensated! FlexSqueeze is SO much easier. I’ve already built two sites in the past couple days and the built in squeeze page option is awesome! Thanks again for the comparison review!
No worries John. I’ve sold many themes through that affiliate link, but you are the first one to ever to tell me how much you loved making the decision to purchase FlexSqueeze. I am so excited for you. :clap_tb:
It’s a brilliant theme and I’m itching to have a go at the Squeeze page section myself.
Thanks so much for taking the time to tell me of your experience.
PS. Do you have some links to those sites. I’d love to come and check them out.
I was disappointed that you didn’t use flex to make this page. It doesn’t seem to make sense to use Thesis and then promote flex. I am a newbie and going bonkers of which real easy theme to pick. I would have liked to see the Flex in action. I really would like to know which one is really the easiest with the most options that are just a click away. Does Flex get complicated once you get it or is it that simple.
Newbie would love to know . thanks.
mar, the reason for this post is to show the difference between the two. I have included links to my other blogs which all use the FlexSqueeze theme as a comparison. I can honestly say that if you are new to blogging and you want a theme that is easy to use then FlexSqueeze would be your best bet.
Seeing as how I had paid for Thesis it would be a waste to not use it and I thought it only fitting that it should be used for this blog. :wink_ee:
I am testing the FlexSqueeze theme before I buy it. What is the difference between the paid and free version? Also, I want to use the theme for a video-type blog like YouTube. Any suggestions on making that work within FlexSqueeze? Thanks.
It’s a while since I used Flexibility, but I think the only difference is Flexsqueeze allows you to replace the links in the footer with your own. There’s is also the added benefit that you can now promote it to others.
Oh, there is one other added benefit. You have the facility to add Squeeze pages to your blog.
As to the videos, I have added youtube videos in the posts, but I’m sure that would work with most themes.
Pingback: Thesis Theme Sucks for Non-Coders – Total Waste! | College Fall Out
I was in the same boat. Bought into thesis and within a week asked for a refund. What a nightmare that was. They were actually mad at me for wanting a refund.
I told the guy to go FU&K himself and send me my money or I would fly over to where the hell he was and blow his head off 😉 yeah, yeah, I know – just for 84 bucks but it worked. within a day I had my refund.
I’m now using Flex for all my projects – sweet –
It should never have come to that Juan and it’s a shame that it did.
I have been building pro site for 12 years and after recently being made to use thesis 2 must say it is terrible. impossible to use, bloated and well just rubbish